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Showing posts from December, 2015

Foundation Working with High Schools to Create Alumni Directories

DECATUR, Alabama (November 30, 2015) – Decatur City Schools Foundation has launched an Alumni Directory Information Solicitation for Austin High and Decatur Schools. The Foundation is working with Harris Graduate Connection to create a directory for each school. Foundation Executive Director, Jesslyn Reeves said, “We are not starting an Alumni Association, we are simply wanting to communicate with and engage DCS alumni about our schools and the Foundation.” The directories will assist the schools in their communication with alumni. Harris Connection has worked with the Foundation and Decatur City Schools to gather graduate information and will compile up-to-date directories. These publications will only be made available to alumni, the Decatur City Schools, and the Foundation. Harris Graduate Connection does not charge the Foundation for their work. The mission of the Decatur City Schools Foundation is to enhance excellence in education for all students in Decatur City Schools....