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Showing posts from October, 2017

Arthur Orr’s Classroom Grants Give Teachers Momentum for Change

Charles Dickens once wrote, “A very little key will open a very heavy door.” Our teachers know this to be true, and many will prove it in their classrooms after receiving funds from Senator Arthur Orr’s Mini-Grant program this fall. Through the program, individual teachers may apply for grants ranging from $50­–$75 to purchase tools and supplies, and you’d be surprised at the impact a small classroom grant can have! Janell Hill at Leon Sheffield Elementary was excited to hear she was receiving funds. She shares, “Additional classroom funds are hard to come by, so you can imagine how delighted I was to hear that I had received the mini-grant from Senator Orr.” She already has big plans for how she will use her money to provide more classroom seating options for her students! “Using stability balls in place of traditional seating does wonders for the focus and engagement of many students. In addition, research has shown that using a balance ball improves posture. The im...