This blog post was typed on a computer. It went from first draft to published all on a screen, having been typed out on a keyboard. I would bet most of the things you’ve read today were written the exact same way. In today’s world of digital communication, the skill of typing fluently is essential. It’s on par with being the importance of learning to write! The necessity for typing starts in school, where most standardized tests now require the use of a keyboard and are timed. Students in our district are equipped with personal computers in Grade Four, and assignments are written and turned in on those devices. The latest technology standards from the State Department of Education even require keyboarding skills to be taught to Alabama students. Keyboarding is an essential skill for life and work in the 21st Century. Lee Lott, a Business Tech Teacher at Decatur High School, has found that keyboarding skills are essential to students beyond school as well. She states,...
Education Foundation - Decatur, Alabama